Meet Kim Robbins — active MIMA volunteer and recent Minnesota transplant who used her MIMA connections to land her job at Irish Titan.
Talk to me about your MIMA involvement. How did you get involved and why did you decide to volunteer?
I’m a Minnesota transplant. I moved here from Boston in June 2015, freshly graduated without a clue of how to start looking for career advice. I called on the connections I did have, and was introduced to MIMA during a few one-on-one meetings with members. During a monthly meeting, I was introduced to some board members who got me in touch with the Marketing Communications committee. I now serve as a volunteer member!
What are you hoping to get out of MIMA (or have already gotten)?
I joined MIMA to expand my network of marketing professionals in the Twin Cities. At first this was an effort to find a starting point in my career. Now that I’ve checked that box, I’m hoping to continue the great relationships with the connections I’ve made, stay up-to-date with marketing trends, and improve my own skills by hearing from thought leaders in the organization.
You just started a great new job at Irish Titan — tell us a bit about it!
Irish Titan is a digital agency specializing in e-commerce, complex websites and digital strategy. I was hired in April as a Marketing Coordinator. Most of my primary responsibilities revolve around digital campaigns, networking and event planning, and inbound marketing activities. I am honored to be one of the newest members of such a fun and talented team. I love my job!
Why do you like digital? What about it excites you?
I’ve always been drawn to digital marketing. More specifically inbound marketing, user experience, e-newsletters, social media campaigns, all that jazz. The industry is always changing, and it’s exciting to keep up with the latest trends.
What are the main benefits you see for members (or event attendees) involved in MIMA?
Getting involved with MIMA was one of the smartest career moves I’ve made since living in the Twin Cities. Having a solid professional network is SO important, especially for recent grads like me! I would strongly advice young professionals my age to get involved with MIMA. You’ll gain a fantastic network of marketers and find industries that interest you.
What do you do when you’re not working or volunteering?
You can most likely find me sipping coffee in a local shop, walking around the nearest outlet mall, playing basketball, reading at the beach, or in a Zumba class. I also try to get back to Boston whenever I can to spend time with my amazing family.