MIMA strives to connect and inspire likeminded individuals in the digital marketing space. The MIMA community is the core of the inspiration and connection. It would be difficult to find a smarter, more talented and driven group of individuals. Attend any MIMA event, and it’s evident that this group is passionate about their work and are continually looking for opportunities to grow professionally.
Yet, hosting monthly thought leadership events, meetups and smaller case study gatherings are just a few ways we provide opportunities to grow as a marketer and a professional. In 2016, we’re looking to expand our reach and provide new outlets for individuals to engage with each other. We asked our members: how can we allow individuals to connect with MIMA in a more on-demand fashion? How can we extend the great content our community provides each month? How can we reach more people, and how do we provide more people with an outlet to discuss, debate and learn together?
Together, we found an answer.
Introducing MIMA Voices, the newest offering from the Minnesota Interactive Marketing Association. MIMA Voices is a monthly podcast that will touch on all things in the digital space. We’ll debate topics relevant to agency, client and consultants alike. We’ll extend the great content provided by monthly event speakers. And most importantly, we’ll create another way for individuals to connect with the many talented individuals in our digital marketing community.
Take a listen to a quick sneak peek of what we have in store, subscribe on iTunes or SoundCloud, and leave us a comment on any topics you would like us to cover. If you’re interested in getting involved with the podcast, have guest ideas, or just want to leave us some feedback, we’d love to hear from you. Stay tuned for the first episode coming to you shortly.