Meet Heather Rist – rekindled MIMA member, director of social media and content at Deluxe, and board member of Ballet Minnesota.
You’re a newly minted MIMA member–why did you decide to join MIMA?
Let’s say I am rekindling my romance with MIMA. I have been a member in the past, however just recently decided it was time to jump back in (and bring my Deluxe team with me – group membership!).
What are you hoping to get out of your MIMA membership?
What I love about MIMA is the quality of professionals who choose to be members. This is an association that is backed with some of the best digital marketing talent in MN. So, to answer the question – I’d like to collaborate, share ideas and gain different perspectives by attending events and networking functions.
You just started a great new job at Deluxe–tell us a bit about it!
Yes, it’s almost been five months – wow! Deluxe is a leading provider of small business marketing and financial services and has many facets to its business model. I am part of the brand enterprise team as the Director of Social Media and Content. As a way to celebrate our centennial this year and raise brand awareness, we have started a movement called the Small Business Revolution. Over the next year, we are traveling coast to coast to capture and share 100 of America’s most inspiring small business stories. These stories will also come together in a documentary released in September. We also want the community to support small business, so we are asking them to nominate their favorite for a $25K award. What I love about this work is that it’s authentic, and because our team is small, I get to touch all areas of brand/communications. Check it out:
Why did you get into social media marketing? What excites you about the future of the industry?
I started dabbling in social media marketing for business right around the time Facebook took over from Myspace. As a marketer, I was personally enchanted with the instant connectivity and opportunity to develop a brand’s voice via social. Around 2007/08 is when I started exploring how social media could influence a marketing/communications strategy. I threw myself into as many community groups and associations (MIMA being one of them) I could find that would help shape my opinions and knowledge in the new social space. The interest paid off and I found myself building the social media strategy and eco-system for Cambria and eventually Sun Country Airlines. I am a brand communications gal at heart – and social is at the core.
There are so many different ways I could answer the future of industry question. I’ll use one word to summarize what excites me about the future of the social marketing industry: opportunity. Whether we are talking about content, mobile, channels or jobs, the opportunity to bring something new and unique to the table is endless in this field. I am proud and excited to be part of it all.
What do you do when you’re not Facebooking, Twittering and Snapchatting for Deluxe?
Cute question. Well, now that it’s so nice out – anything outdoors! I also spend a lot of my free time volunteering as a board member with my family’s business, Ballet Minnesota. I grew up in the theater and this is a way to stay very involved and give back. Ballet Minnesota is actually performing the classic ballet, Giselle, this weekend at The “O’Shaughnessy at St. Catherine University. You should check it out: