There are so many reasons to join MIMA and to visit our site. But for those looking for top digital and marketing talent or those seeking their next opportunity, our job board is your new best friend.
Seeking top talent?
Here’s why you should consider posting your job openings on the MIMA job board:
It’s easy to use.
In just a few steps, your opportunity reaches our wide membership and beyond. Our jobs aren’t posted behind a member log in and we have a significant and growing following which gives you even more opportunity to be seen.
It’s highly targeted.
Our job board is strictly for digital and marketing opportunities. This means less clutter for your posting to clear through and access to individuals who are specifically looking for these careers.
It’s cost-effective
Anyone can post a job on our job board, but members receive cost-benefits. Non-members can post a job for $100 or a job feature for only $250. Members save 80 percent for these same perks.
Looking for your next career move?
Look no further. When you’re looking for jobs on the MIMA job board, you’ve come to the right place. Here’s why:
No membership necessary – but we encourage you to join
You don’t have to be a member to view opportunities within the digital and marketing industry. If you join MIMA though, you can apply right through our site. Upload your resume and keep an active profile to make submitting applications even easier. Students – Membership is absolutely free and it’s easy to sign up.
Only relevant positions here
Our job board is specifically for individuals looking to explore and advance in the digital and marketing industry. Job postings are from well-known, exciting agencies, companies and nonprofits across Minnesota.
Positions are current and active
There’s nothing worse than visiting a job board and taking time to apply only to find out that the position is no longer open. You won’t find that here. Positions are current and show you the expiration date so you know that you’re applying to a position that’s available.
Visit our job board to learn more or email us at