What started as a dreary winter morning turned into a lively, inspirational start to a day thanks to Nancy Lyons at Clockwork. She brought the energy (after all, energy is her jam) and spilled the truth about work legacy, the importance of disrupting it through intrapreneurship, and lifting up good ideas, good people, and good work in the process.
Here are the key takeaways from the event, along with the slides and video to relive the energetic morning.
Why we’re having this conversation
The legacy of the workplace has always been designed by measuring output and production. There’s the head honcho, and then there’s minions doing the work. And these minions were always told to focus on their job role and wait for direction. There’s security and familiarity in this legacy, but there’s no inspiration in it. Workers are missing the bigger picture of what they can contribute, and organizations as a result are struggling with innovation. After all, creativity and innovation doesn’t always come from the top. Everyone has ideas, and those ideas should be heard.
Today, companies are hungry for creativity and observation. And that’s why there’s such a push for employees to take ownership in their own corner of their company. It’s no longer about your job title or the status quo. It’s about who you are and what you’re willing to do that sets you apart. And as a result, people are finding it’s no longer about what you make($), but what you make.
That’s why intrapreneurship is so important. It allows a person or a group of people inside an organization to take risks and solve problems to grow a business. This person applies the entrepreneurial spirit internally and take initiative rather than direction.
Characteristics of an Intrapreneur
- Proactive. Lead with good energy. Energy is everything. You’re responsible for the energy you bring into a room.
- Committed. Be committed to ideas, purposes, and adding value. What you do is bigger than work or a job description. You’re contributing to the overall business.
- Integrity. Carry yourself with respect, and show respect to others.
- Open-Minded. Take risks and be tolerant of new people and new ideas. The world is full of beautiful people. Learn about them and what they have to offer.
- Courageous. Somteims it’s as simple as taking the high road out of negativity.
- Resilient and adaptive. Before you find success, you find failure. Lots and lots of failure. Accept failure, learn from it, and adapt to find your success. Also learn to take and give feedback gracefully.
- Emotionally Intelligent. Don’t take on other people’s stress. Don’t let anything tie you to your device. Be a professional and learn about the business.
- Authentic. Authenticity is the only thing that helps you control most scenarios. When you step out of the box, there is nothing glamorous about it. Be authentic, and be real.
Challenge Yourself to be an Intrapreneur
- Take initiative with everything: relationships, conversations, ideas. Do something. Question, observe, risk, endeavor, and experiment.
- Take ownership. Treat the company, its reputation, and its future like it’s your own. Because it is.
- Let go of ego. Don’t hog the spotlight: when we all win, we all win. Nothing happens because of just one person. Nothing. Zero.
- Be focused and open. Have your eyes on your goals, but stay aware of what’s happening around you.
- Don’t give up easily. You won’t win every time and you will definitely fail. And that’s ok.
- Always add value. Showing up ins’t enough. Think about bigger contributions. Always show up, always bring your best energy, and always work to be better for yourself and your company.
- Think strategically. Moving something thought he pipeline requires careful thinking.
- Be humble. Nobody wants to follow a jerk.
Create an organization that support intrapreneurs
- Talk about it. Everyone, including leadership, should take about it every day.
- Make it evident in your values. Values should be explicit and followed.
- Demonstrate it with your own actions. It’s empowering to see mentors and leaders in action.
- Celebrate good work at all levels. Credit recognition and rewards shouldn’t only happen at the top.
- Reward people who think outside the box. Positive attention will encourage others to follow suit.
- Include intrapreneurs at the table. Make them look and feel good for being intrapreneurial.
Get the full scoop of the presentation by flipping through the slides or watching the video. And don’t forget to register for our next event on March 16, about Modernizing Marketing.